

Follow along the journey of the places we've been as the company has grown over more than 50 years!

Production of Haydn's innovative brushes began in the family home, with different parts of assembly happening all around the house! It wasn't long before increase in production everything shifted into the garage!

As the product range (and family) grew a dedicated space was required, allowing the family to have use of the garage (and bathtub) again.

A team of 70 staff moved into manufacturing premises on Tuam Street in 1983. The full range of brushes were made, packaged and dispatched on site - shaving and cosmetic brushes, artist and sign writing brushes and our innovative decorating range.


In 1991 the team moved to new premises on Ferry Road. In addition to painting & decorating brushes, the production of specialty Artist and Make-Up brushes was a main focus of the business at this time. The Ferry Road premises provided greater capacity to expand the team and to invest in new manufacturing processes.


Between September 2010 and June 2011, the Canterbury region suffered a number of significant earthquakes and subsequent aftershocks.

Whilst our Ferry Road building (based in Central Christchurch), equipment and materials were impacted, we were lucky to escape with minimal casualties or loss of staff.

Over seven truck and trailer loads of silt and liquefaction was removed from the driveway to allow us to assess damage and to run a reduced range of operations during this period.

Our management team stayed on site, working in portacom offices whilst plans were made to shift to new premises.

Land for the new build was purchased in the Rolleston Industrial area outside the city. In 2014 the team moved to the brand new, purpose built office and warehouse buildings.


Haydn now provides both Third (3PL) and Fifth (5PL) Party Logistics solutions to a select number of clients importing product to New Zealand. In 2019, the decision was made to increase our warehouse capacity, which was then totalling 9000 m2. In 2023, Haydn increased its capacity once more and has purchased another 2,000m2 building, totalling now 11,000m2 of working spaces.

Operating as a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPi) transitional facility, and certified as a Dangerous Goods facility, we have capability for both Aerosol and Liquid Flammable Goods storage.

Our Warehouse personnel are fully trained to meet relevant NZ Health & Safety regulations & certifications.

Haydn’s continued investment in its facilities, people and technology allow us to be agile and responsive to market changes through effective supply chain modelling.

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