

We've always been consistent in wanting to provide the very best for our network of retail customers. We've made significant investment into our warehousing and logistics systems to support our retail partners and suppliers. Every step of our ordering & fulfilment service operates as efficiently as possible. Our nation wide team of Sales Representatives are available to assist at store level.

Haydn’s continued investment in its facilities, people and technology allow us to be agile and responsive to market changes through effective supply chain modelling.


We know kiwi's are a tenacious lot, happy to roll up our sleeves and make our places feel like home. Like you, we love the satisfaction of a great end result - Our quality tools and equipment will help you get the job done right the first time.


We care about the future, which is why we spend a lot of our time creating quality tools and equipment that can be used again and again and again.

Investing in good quality, reusable equipment helps you do your part for the environment all while being more efficient on the job.

In addition to providing quality tools that continue to perform, use after use, here’s what we’re doing to reduce our environmental impact:

- Continual improvements to our packaging solutions to more efficient and recyclable options,

- Selecting products with higher recycled components,

- Providing products that help reduce waste

- A number of our versatile products can be adapted for multiple uses, so you can combine different components to configure the tool you need to the job.

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