
Hydro Dipped Brushes - DIY with Haydn

  • 2 min read


Get creative and try hydro-dipping to add a touch of fun to your toolbox!


  • Haydn Synthetic Red Paint Brush
  • Haydn Sabre Masking Tape
  • Haydn General Purpose Vinyl Gloves
  • Rust-Oleum 2X Ultra Cover Primer – White
  • Rust-Oleum 2X Ultra Cover Gloss Clear
  • Your choice of Rust-Oleum Spray Paint Colours


Step 1: Using your Haydn Sabre Tape mask up the stainless steel ferrule on your Haydn Synthetic Red Paint Brushes.

Step 2: Shake your Rust-Oleum 2X Ultra Cover primer in White well, before spraying a light coat on the brush handles. Make sure you don’t forget the ends or the sides!

Step 3: Once dried, grab your Haydn white bucket and fill approximately two-thirds of the way up. Spray your various Rust-Oleum Spray paint colours in different spots until you reach a desired pattern. Feel free to experiment with this, as spraying different amounts and in different positions will effect the pattern you get.

Step 4: To keep your hands clean, put your Haydn Vinyl Gloves on and slowly submerge your brush into the water. You will get different effects depending on if you twist the brush or submerge in straight. So play around with this too!

Step 5: Remove brush from water and leave to dry,

Step 6: Seal your new and improved brushes with the Rust-Oleum 2X Ultra Cover Clear Gloss finish. Leave to dry before removing the Haydn masking tape and then you’re good to go!


  • Try less spray paint for a more subtle pattern look
  • Try different ways of spraying or submerging your brush
  • Try on different items to spruce up not only your toolbox but your home décor too!



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