Get Primed for the easiest way to Eliminate Mould. The water-based protective coating can be painted directly over mould and mildew on interior and exterior surfaces.
Mould can be a serious problem, causing unsightly stains, lingering odours, potential structural and surface damage and adverse health effects for allergy sensitive individuals. The presence of mould particularly in older housing with poor ventilation is fairly endemic in NZ and can be very costly to remove and repair. Until now Haydn’s recent introduction of the revolutionary Zinsser Mould Stop Primer, this potentially major undertaking just got a whole lot easier.
Mould Stop is a mould killing primer that kills mould, mildew and odour causing bacteria while priming the surface at the same time. Providing a fungicidal coating it can be utilised on both porous and non-porous interior and exterior surfaces. One of the primary reasons for this products global popularity is that it can be applied directly over problem areas without extensive surface preparation. It contains an Environmental Protection Agency-registered antimicrobial agent to prevent the growth of mould and mildew on paint film, The Mould Stop Primer also aides in covering residual microbiological and fungal stains.
Recommended applications include bathrooms, basements, window frames, office buildings and factories, in fact pretty much any where mould or mildew presently exists or could develop..
Zinsser Mould Stop Primer will dry to a bright white in as little as 30 minutes, and can be top coated after just one hour with full adhesion and hardness developing within seven days of application. For stains caused by water leaks, allow Mould Stop Primer to dry then use a Zinsser stain blocking primer.
This innovative, award winning Zinsser product is proudly distributed by Haydn to all leading hardware outlets.
Available from all leading paint and hardware stores.
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